This idea comes with the help of my Divorce Devil Podcast co-host Rachel. In Divorce Devil Podcast #056 we discussed being intentional in your life with your healing and forgiveness. In other words, just don't go through life all willy-nilly, have a plan. Go forward with purpose and resolve. Even it seems so, this is not the end of your story - just a new start. Recovering from divorce is sometimes not an easy and quick process. Those who have been in the trenches and are in the trenches now will attest to that.
One of the most important things for people to know is you have to start somewhere. There are a ton of resources out there. From one-on-one traditional professional therapy, group therapy (which is what I did through a local church), online therapy and a host of other modalities - the options are numerous. If you feel you need it, you have to pick the one that suits you. Things have come a long way since the Charlie Brown /Lucy 5 cents outside therapy bench.
In my group therapy, they stressed healing was a process. Taking that basic premise we allow you to accept when things felt overwhelming - take one thought at a time, take one task at a time and take one day at a time.
In your journey there will be 'in between times' of transition. You may feel lost, confused, angry, unseen or empty. Don't confuse these times of transition as a forever state of being or being broken. You are breaking away from that which was and creating a space to welcome what will be. - Unknown
The quicker you get some direction in your healing the easier the healing will be. You deserve it, go get it!